If you are a doctor, nurse or other health professional, join us around the world: take the Planetary Health Pledge
1. Videotape yourself or a group taking the pledge.
2. Post your video to your social media sites (see sample explanatory text to accompany the video below)
I, as a physician [nurse/other health professional category], solemnly pledge to work to protect the health of people, their communities, and the planet.
I pledge to maintain the utmost respect for human life and the diversity of life on Earth, and for the natural systems which support all life.
I pledge to advocate for equity and justice by actively addressing environmental, social, and structural determinants of health, envisioning a transition to a society that places the wellbeing of all persons, in balance with nature, at its heart.
I pledge to address the climate and ecological crisis in my actions at home, in my community, and in my profession, to protect the planet and all of its lifeforms for current and future generations.
*This pledge, proposed by Doctors for Planetary Health - West Coast, is a shortened and adapted version of one proposed in the November 2020 Lancet article, A pledge for planetary health to unite health professionals in the Anthropocene). It is suited to social media posting, as it can be recited in about 45 seconds,
On or before WHO World Health Day - Our Planet, Our Health, on April 7, 2022, take the pledge. If you are a doctor or other health professional, pledge to advocate not only for your patients' health, but also for that of their communities, and the planet.
Together, our voices will form a chorus that will influence the fate of our fragile planet for current and future generations.
SAMPLE SOCIAL MEDIA POST: I’m one of a growing number of health professionals across the globe who is pledging to protect the health of people, our communities, & the planet. Follow us to support our efforts. [add your handle/hashtag here] @WCDrs4PH #PlanetaryHealthPledge #HealthierTomorrow #ClimateJustice #OneHealth #ActNow